
Conditions like Erb’s Palsy can be very upsetting to manage and may cause a lot of emotional suffering for you and your child. So if your child suffers from Erbs Palsy and you aren’t sure what to do, it is crucial to reach out to a professional who fully understands this situation and who can help you get the compensation that you want and deserve for a position that is by no means the fault of your child or you.

Symptoms of This Condition

Erb’s Palsy occurs when nerves within the neck get damaged by a variety of different health problems. For example, it is not uncommon for a child to get damaged nerves during delivery and experience a wide range of various symptoms that can be pretty painful and hard to manage, including:

  • Weakness in one arm that may be hard to overcome
  • Tingling throughout many areas in that arm
  • Struggles to control that arm properly
  • Difficulties controlling the hand
  • Limited strength or grasping abilities
  • Paralysis throughout parts of the arm
  • Weaker muscular development and smaller overall size

Though people with this condition usually go on to live very healthy, strong, and enjoyable lives, the complications that it causes may make this life more difficult and cause emotional struggles that may be hard to overcome. Thankfully, legal help can provide compensation that makes life easier.

How a Legal Case May Help

The unfortunate reality about these types of cases is that they are often caused by a doctor who wasn’t careful enough during surgery. This issue is not uncommon if a physician did not adequately prepare the child’s delivery, mishandled them during birth, or made other mistakes that complicated the process. Typically, this means that it is necessary to get legal help for a lawsuit. These professionals can take extra steps to ensure that you get the compensation needed after your child receives this palsy.

For example, a legal professional can gather evidence that a doctor triggered this palsy and help provide you with compensation. The types of payment available here will vary, depending on the scenario. For example, some lawyers may ask for compensation for the initial injury and any emotional suffering caused to the parents or the child in this case. It is essential to talk to other physicians who can confirm a child’s diagnosis and say that it likely occurred at birth in many cases.

And while it is true that your physician, nurses, or other doctors involved with the case are likely to have legal protection in the form of malpractice insurance, there’s a good chance that you can still get more than just your essential settlement. You deserve to get the help you need for this situation and seek help from a professional who can ensure that you don’t end up with a child who cannot use one of their arms. Doing so is something that both you and your child deserve in this situation.

By Sambit