Things to Do Planning a Move

Getting ready to move? Stressed out about the whole process? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re going to discuss the key things to do when planning a move.

This way, you can get all your ducks in a row and approach the move with as much confidence as possible. Without further ado, here’s how to plan a move.

Call the Moving Company

If you’re utilizing the services of a moving company (like Moving Ahead Services, for instance), you should go ahead and call it as soon as possible. This will enable you to set a date and a time for your departure, and will also ensure that you do, indeed, have the help you require.

Don’t want until a few days before the move to finally make the call. Many moving companies aren’t able to work on short notice as they’re already scheduled to help other customers. The last thing you want is to be left in the dust on your move-out day.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

A move is a great time to do away with unnecessary items. So, if you have a bunch of junk clogging your closet, you should throw it out or donate it now.

You don’t want to have to sift through this junk on moving day. It will create unnecessary stress and clutter, thus complicating the moving experience substantially.

Choose a Move Date

You’ll also want to be sure to set an official date. This will help you focus your efforts and will also ensure that the moving company shows up at the time you desire.

Manage Your Utilities

A thing that people often forget about when moving is managing their utilities. This includes shutting off gas, electricity, water, and internet at your current home, and then starting it at your future home.

If you don’t do this, you could be charged for utilities you didn’t use . . . or completely without utilities for the first few days in your new house. Neither one of these is desirable.

Note, most utility companies allow you to make these changes on their websites. So, search those first. If you can’t find anything, make calls and get everything set up.

Arrange Moving Materials

There are all sorts of materials you’ll need to help you move. These include boxes, tape, markers, and more.

We recommend gathering these as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more you’ll have to scramble and the more stressful your move will be.

Planning a Move Will Reduce the Stress Surrounding It

Planning a move will greatly reduce the amount of stress surrounding it. It will enable you to see things with a clearer mind and will facilitate a fun and efficient experience. Utilize the moving tips above and your move is sure to go off without a hitch.

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