As our culture begins to talk more about mental health, it has become more and more clear that people all over the country and the world struggle with anxiety, and other mental health issues, on a larger scale than many would have originally thought possible. Researchers are working hard to find solutions to help those with mental health issues, and one such intervention that may be helpful is CBD vape juice for anxiety.
What is Anxiety?
Although acute, short-term stress and anxiety are a completely normal part of life, some people struggle to carry out tasks of daily living due to overwhelming feelings of persistent anxiety. Many people with chronic anxiety try to convince themselves that they are just feeling stressed or burned out, but anxiety can take a major toll when left unchecked.
General anxiety is typically characterized by feelings of extreme anxiety that last longer than six months and prevents you from activities of daily living. Some symptoms of general anxiety include rapid heart rate and breathing, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and extreme restlessness.
When anxiety gets really out of hand, some people suffer from anxiety attacks that cause more extreme symptoms. These include excessive sweating, numbness, extreme fear and distress, shaking, and chills or hot flashes. Although this is not quite the same as a panic attack, the two do share some similarities.
If you think you have been dealing with anxiety, it’s best to speak with your doctor to ask questions and get a proper diagnosis if warranted.
How is Anxiety Typically Treated?
For those with relatively mild cases of anxiety, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes that can help you feel better in a short amount of time. Sometimes simply getting enough sleep, avoiding caffeine, staying active, and eating a healthy diet are enough to reduce the symptoms of anxiety.
If your anxiety is not resolved after making lifestyle changes, your doctor may recommend medication in the short-term or long-term that helping you to feel better over time. Typically, these medications can take anywhere from one to three months to fully kick in and help you feel better, though it may take some trial and error with your doctor to determine which medication works best at which dosage for you.
Visiting a therapist for psychotherapy, especially in conjunction with medications, can also be helpful for those suffering from anxiety. This is particularly true for those whose anxiety comes from past traumas.
Although these interventions can help many people who struggle with anxiety, some people may not find as much success as others through these methods. Fortunately, research is increasingly revealing that CBD may be able to help with anxiety.
Can CBD Help with Anxiety?
Research on CBD interventions with anxiety is still in its early stages, though the available research does seem to show that it can be helpful for those who struggle with anxiety.
CBD may have a positive effect on the serotonin receptors in the brain, allowing people to feel more general happiness and well-being. It is currently believed that an imbalance of serotonin may lead to depression and anxiety in some people in the first place, so this may be the reason that many feel better after trying CBD.
CBD can also provide faster relief than other interventions, both in the short- and long-term. While some anxiety medications can take months to fully kick in, CBD can provide at least a certain degree of relief relatively quickly. This is especially true when CBD is vaped, as it can enter the bloodstream within minutes. Consuming CBD edibles can take a bit longer, one to three hours, as it has to travel to the small intestine before being absorbed.
According to Harvard Health, there appear to currently be no cases where people have become dependent or addicted to CBD products, making it a much safer option for anxiety intervention than illicit substances and potentially some medications.
In Conclusion
Emerging research that shows a link between anxiety relief and CBD is incredibly promising for those who struggle with their mental health. CBD may not work for everyone with anxiety, but it might be worth a try for those who have not found relief with other methods they may have tried.