2 Months missed period

As a gynecologist, I find many patients who have 2 months missed period but get a negative pregnancy test. Usually, everyone knows missing her period is a sign of pregnancy. One of the common misconceptions about pregnancy is that.

But this idea is not entirely correct. Missing a period is just one of the symptoms of pregnancy. But that doesn’t mean she’s going to get pregnant. In today’s article, I will discuss some of the possible causes of missed periods and pregnancy symptoms.

Women can miss periods for many reasons, and the reasons are different depending on age. It is essential to know the Meta. First, it is not the only reason for conceiving. Nowadays, you can easily find out if you are pregnant through the pregnancy kit by yourself.

The method was invented in 1976 to test women for pregnancy at home. You will get the pregnancy test kit at the cheapest price in the market. You do not have to wait long to find out the reason for stopping your period. If you are not pregnant, keep reading this article until the end to know why you missed your period.

2 Months missed period negative pregnancy test

When you are expecting a baby, it costs a lot to wait for the first time to know if you are pregnant. Some practically we all know it from the first baby. But, that strange feeling, which not even often happened to with the second.

It was the same suggestion; who knows. Still, the usual thing is to count the days until the date your period is supposed to come. Almost crossing them off the calendar like a countdown. I admire those who can wait a lot of days even after the date to take a test.

In my case, there was no room in the first because of the first day of absence. That ended up in the hospital for something else, and there they did it to me. And in the second, I was also living in paranoia.

So if you are in this case, I’m sure it won’t sound strange to you to become almost CSI analyzing any fluid you have. Looking at any symptoms in case it is going to be the rule or not. It isn’t perfect. And unfortunately, until the date of your period is close. After that, the same does not matter because you will have to continue thinking.

Pregnancy symptoms: 2 Months missed period negative pregnancy test

2 Months missed period know

Wherever you look, the first thing you will see is that the first symptom is not having your period. Because, for that trip, you didn’t need saddlebags, as that one would say! That is where we all come! If you are not pregnant, what you want is to get you down so you can try again.

Unfortunately, all the symptoms that refer to all the sites tend to occur a posteriori. When you already know that you are not pregnant. The same are symptoms of pregnancy, and that you are going to lower the rule imminently. Perhaps if you are one of those who never have a symptom of anything, that may make a little more sense.

Heartburn, breast swelling, cramps, urinary incontinence, constipation, even vomiting. These are things that can happen to you while pregnant. But these will almost certainly not happen to you before the first offense.

When you are newly pregnant, the portion of this hormone in the body is so tiny that it is difficult. Vomiting usually appears between the 6th and 14th week, more or less. Then the hormone stabilizes and even decreases a little, so almost in all probability, they will subside.

One of the things that I noticed in both of my pregnancies was a spectacular breast enlargement. But one thing, it looked like a Swiss cow. Sadly too, although in my case, it was one of the most premature symptoms, it also occurred when I knew I was pregnant.

Some possible reason to a missed period

Usually, women get their period between 12-14 and going to menopause at 50-54. But it may differ according to your environment. Although late or missed periods after unprotected sex are the main symptoms of pregnancy, there are a few other reasons why periods can be delayed or missed. We are discussing them here:

Hormonal imbalance

One of the leading causes of the missing period is hormonal imbalance. Women’s hormones depend on weight, age, environment, mental condition, diseases, etc. Also, hormone imbalance relates to your daily life. For example, everything matters what you eat, drink, sleeping schedule, and many more.

Physical Condition

Some physical conditions cause by missed period. Like, anemia, weakness, sudden weight loss, infections, fever, etc. If you have a thyroid problem, then it’s common to you or familiar with it. Also, if you have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome), it’s normal to delay or miss a period. However, even periods can go off completely.


The hypothalamus region of the brain regulates the secretion of hormones needed for periods. But this work of the hypothalamus is hampered by excessive stress, resulting in late or missed periods.

Therefore, if something happens in your life recently, such as someone’s death, break-up, not getting a job, work stress, etc., then the period may be delayed or missed.


Too much weight gain can lead to variations in hormone secretion levels, leading to delayed or missed periods. It is a kind of natural protective shield. Because gaining too much weight is not the proper condition for pregnancy – it can harm both the fetus and the health.

So the body automatically stops ovulation to eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, resulting in delayed or missed periods. In runners, swimmers, etc., periods are often delayed or missed for the same reason.


During breastfeeding, the period is stopped due to the effect of the prolactin hormone. But this can happen in many cases, and the period is delayed or missed. If the effects of the hormone prolactin cause problems during the period, the breast will secrete milk-like substances.

In addition to the above reasons, there are other reasons for delaying or missing periods, such as taking drugs, lack of adequate nutrients, tumors in the ovaries or brain, etc. However, as mentioned earlier, the most likely cause of missing a period after unprotected sex is pregnancy.

How do pregnancy tests work?

What pregnancy tests do is measure the concentration of the HCG hormone in our body. This hormone, naturally, is only produced when we are pregnant, so if there is a hormone, there is a pregnancy in principle. It can be an ectopic that would not thrive, a hollow egg that would not continue, or a regular and current pregnancy.

This hormone is secreted during pregnancy, although its levels are not stable. So we start by segregating a little bit, and things are increasing dramatically up to three months. After that, there is a slump in the second trimester, and it goes back up a bit at the end. I already copied the table of the quantities that we segregate on another occasion, but I copy it again.

What tests do is detect the presence of this hormone in the body. So the hormone is detected earlier in the blood. And it takes a little longer to be excreted in the urine. So, hence, we always have to wait longer for a urine test than for a blood test, because especially in the initial stages, it is likely that we are pregnant and not yet have reached the urine.

The hormone values ​​should grow exponentially during the first weeks. After that, it is probably a hollow egg, and the doctors will keep it under control. But it will not be your safety case. There is nothing worse than obsessing.

It is typical for the doctor only to do a blood test. If you get a value that corresponds to your gestation week and complements it with an echo. You are pregnant, no need to look at it anymore. But this is always after knowing if you are pregnant, which I want to talk to you about, the first stages.

2 Months missed period why

Urine tests

Suppose you do a home urine test when your period should be lower a month ago. It is almost sure that if you test positive, you are pregnant, and there is not much room for error. If you are one of the rules every twenty-eight days cycle and you are a week late, the chances to get pregnant.

Things get complicated if your period came when you wanted. But this is not the case for those who are like watches.

There are false positives and false negatives. The former, infinitely rarer than the latter, and for those who have no problems are practically nonexistent.

The reasons why a urine test can give you a positive without being pregnant are pretty rare: a rare tumor that they have used this hormone as a fertility treatment and little else.

The rest of the reasons a pregnancy test can give you energy is that you are not; currently, that is, that you have had a micro-abortion of which I spoke before, that you carry a hollow egg or an ectopic one.

So you are pregnant, but it is not going to be a pregnancy that reaches term. If you test positive for pregnancy, it will be that in 99% of cases, you are.


1. Why shouldn’t you read a pregnancy test after 10 min?

That is because the test may react with ambient humidity, or the urine may dry out (evaporation line).

Both of these things can make a line that signals pregnancy appear or disappear. Therefore, you should discard the test after ten minutes, and, in case of doubt, it is better to repeat a later one.

2. What can falsify the pregnancy test?

False-negative tests are often the result of improper use of the pregnancy test. For example, the pregnancy test takes too early for the beta-HCG hormone to detect in the urine. Or the urine doesn’t sufficiently concentrate (too clear, not containing enough β-HCG), or the test.

3. Which medicine can falsify a pregnancy test?

Certain medications – diuretics, antihistamines – can cause a false-negative result. In case of suspicion of pregnancy, it will then be necessary to resort to another type of test or analysis to confirm the result.

4. Why Fake Urinary Tract Pregnancy Test?

The absorption of a large quantity of water tends to dilute the urine. And, therefore, decrease the concentration of beta-HCG before the test. Which can make it undetectable. A urinary tract infection or an ectopic pregnancy can also result in a false negative.


A woman who is not pregnant has not been pregnant recently (sometimes they can persist and take a while to go down, and I know of a very close case in which it took up to almost three months to go down to zero completely), should have zero. A blood test, it considers that you are pregnant above five mUl / ml. So it should give this value very, very early in pregnancy.

If you did a pregnancy test for whatever reason, it gave you a positive with this value. And then lowered your period, you would have had what is known as a micro-abortion. Which are abortions that we don’t even get to.

To find out by the presence of the rule. So it would have been a coincidence almost to realize it, and they occur more times than we think.

By Benedict

Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.