An IELTS test report has been obligatory to go abroad for a job or study. Unlike regular school exams, the IELTS test has a different format. You must have good preparation for a good score on this test. So, we have shared some essential tips for better taking the IELTS exam preparation and to improve your test score.
With AmazingTalker you can connect with one-on-one native English Tutors that can help you improve your English writing skills in no time. Not only that, but you can also find a variety of tutors like Korean Tutors and more at AmazingTalker!
On the day taking the IELTS Exam tips
Here are some helpful tips to follow on the day of your IELTS exam:
- Pack your all essential documents and accessories including the passport and ID card the night before the exam day.
- Make sure you have had a sound sleep at night.
- Eat a healthy and rich breakfast on the test day to stay energized.
- Wear a cloth that makes you comfortable and confident.
- Take water into the exam center in a transparent bottle.
- Arrive at the exam center a little earlier.
- Take more than one pen, pencil, and eraser into the exam hall.
- Stay relaxed at the exam center. Take a few deep breaths in the case of feeling worried.
- Keep your mind clear and focus on the exam.
Tips for the IELTS listening & reading test
Read the following tips for a better IELTS listening score:
- Practice a variety of listening circumstances. It can be listening to a lecture or a conversation.
- If you have a particular listening weakness, identify it and work to recover it.
- Know the test, its question type and format, and the required skills in detail.
- Focus on the keywords and try to predict the required information.
- If you are unsure about answering a question, move on to the next Instead of wasting time.
- Check out spelling, capitalization, and grammar before transferring your answer.
Here are some useful tips for the IELTS reading test:
- Practice for improving reading skills, not for the IELTS score.
- If you don’t understand a word, look at the sentences around it to predict its meaning.
- Read and follow every specific instruction carefully.
- Save your time by ignoring things you already know.
- Check out the answer sheet and transfer your answer carefully.
Tips for the IELTS writing & speaking test
Go through the following tips for the IELTS writing:
- Read and understand all the questions thoroughly before answering them.
- Don’t copy the exact words from the question while writing an answer.
- Use paragraphs instead of using bullet points.
- Write short and accurate answers rather than long and complicated ones.
- Avoid repetitive words and information at any cost.
- Revise your answers to find any spelling and grammatical mistakes before transferring the answer sheet.
These are some quick tips for the IELTS speaking test:
- Use simple and short sentences to avoid mistakes.
- Never memorize answers because it is an obstacle to learning a language.
- Focus on speech instead of your accent.
- Use phrases like “let me see” to pause and generate your idea.
- Avoid filters including umm.., ahh.., you know.. and others to speak confidently.
- Smile frequently during talking because it calms your nerves and clears your mind.
Learn Online English with Amazing Talker- Taking the IELTS
For a good IELTS score, long-term preparation is important. You can try AmazingTalker, an outstanding online language learning platform. It offers courses that will assist you in better preparation for IELTS. The Best part of the platform is that it has highly qualified tutors who are specialists in IELTS. If you have an iOS or Android device, you can join AmazingTalker right this moment. You can also join directly from its website.
AmazingTalker offers complete flexibility to choose your favorite lessons and tutors. It is the best language learning platform for non-native speakers. For instance, if you are a Korean, it will provide화상영어 for effortless English learning. The average cost for a lesson of 25 minutes is $15.
Final words
The score of the IELTS exam depends on how prepared you are! Since it is a different kind of test, you have to move on strategically. After reading this article, you have come to know some essential tips for better preparation for an IELTS exam. But, you can accelerate your IELTS preparation with an accurate guideline.
AmazingTalker is a suitable platform for busy learners who lack time to attend classes on a fixed schedule. On this platform, you can customize your lessons, and class time, and even choose your favorite tutor for an IELTS exam preparation.