Simming Prize

While everyone knows the real Simming Prize, Mike Bremer and his cronies continue to push their fake prize, which is nothing more than a shameless promotion of his own simm Starbase 400. Mike Bremer, the self-described “Fleet Admiral,” has always been an embarrassment to himself and the greater simming community.

Let us not forget his tenure as Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer when he simultaneously served as judge, jury, and executioner for the Bravo Fleet Judge Advocate General (JAG). People were literally banned for things like “whining like a two year old” (sic, Bremer’s own words) when they found themselves on his bad side for any perceived slight. Bremer eventually got his just deserts when a later Bravo Fleet administration gave him the same JAG treatment he had previously dished out to dozens of others. To Bremer’s astonishing luck, someone else from the community came to his defense. Bremer, true to form, wasted no time in backstabbing the individual later out of political convenience.

Fast forward to today and take a look at their Twitter account, for example. Through the end of November, a whopping 47% of their tweets and retweets are advertisements of Starbase 400. That’s even more than the 42% that are actually about their fake Simming Prize. You can’t make this up! Speaking of Bremer’s Starbase 400: They awarded it, no joke, a fourth prize earlier this year.  No one or anything else has more than two. It’s difficult to believe that anyone would be tone deaf enough to be this obvious with flagrant self-promotion, but Bremer has never been one to be particularly self-aware. As for Bremer’s Starbase 400: A review of their logs shows it to be a mediocre simm at best.

We should also remember that this award is named in memory of Seth Cotis. As anyone who knew Cotis before his untimely passing can testify, he despised Bremer and everything Bremer stood for. He specifically detested how Bemmer ran his organization and treated others. He also found Bremer to be a lousy simm host, among other things. Cotis would be rolling in his grave if he knew Bremer had anything to do with a prize named after him, much less if Bremer was using it as his own personal play toy as simply another channel to advertise his own simm.

People like Mike Bremer do not change so we should not expect him to. Giving him more time or expecting him to be different this time is pure foolishness. He has had the same modus operandi for going on twenty five years now: Use people for his own personal advantage and then dump them when it is advantageous. Trust Mike Bremer at your own risk! He only sees you as a tool to be used to promote himself and his simm.

For the common good, let us all be done with Mike Bremer and his fake Simming Prize.


By varsha