Constantly rising gasoline hits the pockets of most motorists. Spending on refueling a personal car is a considerable part of the budget of the average citizen. According to the results of the study of the analytical agency for February 2022, 42% percent of the surveyed motorists spend more than half of their budget on gasoline every month. Have you ever wondered how much a trip to the store actually costs you? How much gasoline (diesel fuel) do you need to get to your loved ones who live in another city? Or maybe you’re just curious to see your car’s consumption per 100 kilometers. The calculators on this page are completely free and are designed to help get a real idea of what the real cost of all trips is. The cost of the trip. To calculate the cost of travel, please enter the distance in kilometers, the average fuel consumption of the car and the cost of 1 liter of gasoline (diesel fuel) in dollars. Calculation of average fuel consumption. To understand what is really the average consumption of your car, please indicate how many liters of fuel you filled into the car and how many miles you drove. You can use comfortable device like MPG calculator


How to save on gasoline


  • Use public transport

Traveling in big cities by public transport is cheaper than by car. Your expenses do not depend on the distance of the trip and the presence of traffic jams. If the city provides free transfers, then this will make your trips even more profitable.

  • Use alternative transport

For short trips, especially when moving in the city center, it is convenient to use a bicycle or an electric scooter. On such transport, you will quickly overcome the required distance than on busy streets by car. Another plus is the absence of the need to pay for parking. Such trips will be free of charge if you have your own two-wheeled friend. Every year, more and more megacities offer residents and tourists city rental of bicycles and scooters.

  • When buying a car, choose an economical model

The difference in fuel consumption of a compact subcompact and an SUV with a powerful engine can be up to 2-3 times.

  • Share car trips with others

Ride-sharing reduces travel costs for each participant. The more passengers there are, the cheaper the trip is for everyone. If your colleagues or fellow students live nearby and travel at the same time as you, offer them a ride.

  • Plan your route carefully

Today, the navigator function is present in the phone of every driver. The navigator will find the shortest way, as well as show traffic jams and detour options.


Factors affecting fuel consumption

  • Engine power.

The greater the power of the engine, the more fuel it consumes. Moreover, the consumption of powerful motors can be 2-3 times higher than economical ones.

  • The age of the car.

Internal combustion engines appeared in the 19th century and the principle of operation has remained unchanged since then. But despite this, technology has been constantly improved in the direction of economy and environmental friendliness. Therefore, modern models win in economy from those released 10 years ago. The fuel consumption when driving on the highway with a minimum number of accelerations and braking will be significantly less than in the city, with frequent stops and accelerations.

  • Driving style.

Calm smooth driving reduces fuel consumption by the engine. Dynamic aggressive driving is accompanied by increased consumption.

  • Technical serviceability of the car.

Some technical malfunctions cause increased fuel consumption. If you find that the motor has become more voracious – it’s time to undergo diagnostics of the engine and components.

  • Remember to maintain normal tire pressure.

Warming up before a trip in the winter eats up an extra amount of gasoline. If you drive every day, overspending will be significant over the winter. The same goes for short stops. If in summer you can jam the engine after stopping, then in winter it often remains to work to maintain the warm-up of the cabin. Driving with running air conditioning in the summer also negatively affects consumption.

  • Passengers and luggage.

The more passengers and luggage you carry, the more fuel the car consumes. This is especially true of compact cars, for which additional passengers and luggage make up a significant increase in weight. For example, a man weighing 100 kg will add 10% to the weight of a compact hatchback. Gasoline consumption will increase by the same amount.


Choosing an economy car


The most economical to date are cars with an electric motor. They run on batteries that require electricity to charge. Such charging is much cheaper than gasoline. They are followed by hybrid cars. In them, the gasoline engine is combined with an electric one. Savings in this version are significant in comparison with gasoline or diesel. Neither the first nor the second is common, so you will probably have to choose the classic option. The most economical among them are those with the lowest weight and the smallest engine size. Manufacturers usually indicate the average consumption of models in the characteristics. But it is safer to rely on the reviews of real owners. To calculate fuel consumption per 100 miles of run, it is necessary first of all to measure the amount of gasoline, gas or diesel fuel (depending on what the car drives) consumed by the car for a certain mileage.


The easiest way to do this is as follows:


Fill up a full tank of gasoline at the gas station, until the fuse on the filling gun is triggered;

Reset the odometer reading (distance counter on the instrument panel) to “zero”;

When the odometer runs at least 200-300 miles (the more, the more accurate the results of the calculation will be), again refuel “to failure”. After refueling, keep a receipt on which you should also record the odometer readings so as not to forget anything. We now have all the data we need to calculate the average fuel consumption on the calculator.


By Swati