How to Tell if a Tree Is Dying

If you have trees in your yard, you need to always stay on top of taking care of them. Knowing when your tree is dying will help you to take action to either save it or replace it. These tips below will teach you how to tell if a tree is dying so that you can take the appropriate next steps.

The Leaves Are Scarce or Dying Out

First, get to know the appearance of the tree so that you know whether or not the leaves are in good shape. When they are increasingly scarce or non-existent, particularly during seasons where it should be in full bloom, it is a telltale sign that it is dying.

Get to know the species of the tree that you have, and what color the leaves should be. This will let you know when something is off-kilter, and you’ll be able to respond accordingly.

There Are Several Deep Cracks in the Tree

Cracks also indicate signs of a sick tree. This throws the structural integrity out of whack, and you can expect it to be followed by the wood dying and falling apart.

Cracks in the tree just beget more cracks, and the tree may even start leaning or falling over. Be sure to address this sort of issue to a tree care business with insurance head-on so that you don’t deal with health and safety issues.

You’re Finding Sawdust and Other Evidence of Pest Infestations

There are also some signs that your tree is dealing with pest infestations that can completely kill it. You need to know that there are countless pests that infect trees.

When you start to see sawdust around the tree, this is a sign that pests have bore their way into it and created nests. They will continuously sap nutrients from the tree so that it can’t survive and will die a little bit more each day.

Get an arborist out to your home for tree services so that you can see if it can be remedied or if you need to let the tree go.

Fungus Has Overtaken It

You should also be wary when the fungus is beginning to grow out of the tree. Fungus is another “pest” that extracts nutrients out of the tree so that it cannot support life on its own.

There are all sorts of different types of tree fungus, such as beefsteak fungus, artis conk, chicken of the woods, honey fungus, robustus conk, and yellow brain.

Take the time to get this fungus identified so that you can remove it without also killing the tree.

You can also learn more tree maintenance and other such tips by visiting

Learn How to Tell if a Tree Is Dying

You can use these tips if you are trying to learn how to tell if a tree is dying. Be sure that you reach out to some tree care pros that can assist you.

Use our website when you want to learn more about tree care, landscaping, and other matters.