Businesses in different industries rely on data to make critical decisions. It is also used to identify problems and inefficiencies making data an important asset. A data analyst plays an important role in such organizations. The analyst collects and performs data analysis and helps solve problems, get information on the latest trends and use them to make better decisions. The role of data analysts is in high demand with many job openings for people with data skills. If this role interests you but does not have a relevant qualification, here is what you need to do to become a data analyst from scratch.
Earn a degree or learn concepts: the first thing to do if you want to pursue a career in data science is to have a bachelor’s degree. Consider specializing in computer science, math, or other subjects that emphasize analytical and statistical skills. If you are looking for a job change, it can be difficult to return to college. In this case, you can learn more about data science and how it works by browsing books online or taking courses. A data analyst must master the following:
Once you have a good grasp of these topics, training courses on big data analysis can be chosen to further learn about data science.
Hands-on learning: Once you understand the concepts, it’s best to have hands-on experience working on sample projects. This will give you first-hand information on the challenges encountered while working on real projects. There are many online platforms that provide projects in real time, choose one and complete it. This will allow you to prepare for an interview or a job.
Consider getting certified: Certification is a great way to take precedence over other applicants for similar data analysis jobs. The benefits of certification are:
Gain credibility: this is an industry degree that can allow you to gain credibility, especially when you have a degree in a field not related to data science. Certification provides proof that you have the desired skills and acts as a validation of them.
The employer prefers certified candidates: certification from a reputable organization is often a desirable qualification that employers put in their advertisements. It is also considered a bonus because you earned it on your own.
Increases your market value: If you are looking for a job, the agile development certification gives you an advantage during the hiring process in this competitive market.
Work as an intern: Getting a full-time data analyst job with no experience is difficult. The best way to gain experience is to do an internship while pursuing a diploma or to work freelance. This will help you gain valuable experience and also information on areas where you should develop more skills. Many people who start from scratch also fill entry-level positions of technicians or statistical assistants. The inters, can use the training sessions conducted internally. Show your desire and willingness to learn so you can move from entry-level jobs to data analysis jobs.
The key to success when you do work from scratch, including that of a data analyst, is to keep learning and have faith in your knowledge. With a little patience and a lot of persistence, the opportunities will present themselves to you. Grab them when they show up!