Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry employs 9.8 u.s citizens. That’s 5.6% of the entire US workforce.  There’s no way around the notion that the oil industry and the gas industry are vital parts of our American economy and our way of life. Because of its impact, there are so many facets of this industry beyond regular reporting.                                                                                                                                                                  Do you want to know more about oil and gas? Check out these seven interesting facts about the oil and gas industry.

  1. America Leads Production

While oil prices seem intricately tied to OPEC and foreign countries, America is now the leader in oil production.

America produces around 14 million barrels of oil per day, mostly from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. As American extraction technology expands, our production continues to grow.

  1. Texas Tea

Black gold, Texas tea. Texas is the number one oil-producing state in the US. Texas produces 41% of America’s oil, and given its massive oil fields, this production will continue for the foreseeable future.

Texas can also refine up to 5.9 million barrels of crude oil per day!

  1. Oil Has Many Uses

Crude oil isn’t limited to gasoline and motor oil. Oil and gas produce many daily household products. Plastic bottles, pens, some fertilizer, and clothing are made from it.

One of the most interesting oil facts is its use in golf ball production! See more here about oil’s many uses.

  1. Natural Gas is Clean Energy

Though it gets a bad reputation in the press due to its production, natural gas is the world’s cleanest burning hydrocarbon. Natural gas combustion does not produce harmful sulfur oxides or ash residues.

Gas industry facts show that burning natural gas reduces harmful CO2 emissions.

  1. Natural Gas is Organic

Natural gas occurs, well, naturally. The gas, like oil, is formed from decomposing plant and animal matter. Once the gas materializes, it passes through pores and fractures until it traps itself in impermeable shale.

Some of the gas even seeps to the earth’s surface.

  1. Industry Pay is High

One of the most interesting facts about oil and gas is the high pay workers in the industry receive. A career in oil and gas pays, on average, $90,000 per year.

Working in oil and gas is a gateway to the American middle class.

  1. Natural Gas is Odorless

You can always smell when you have a gas leak. That’s on purpose. In its pure state, natural gas has no scent. It is, however, highly combustible.

To prevent explosions, accidents, and asphyxiation, companies add a chemical called mercaptan. Mercaptan gives processed natural gas a foul egg odor that makes a leak recognizable.

The Oil and Gas Industry Is Here to Stay

The oil and gas industry accounts for a massive proportion of the US economy. While you may only think of its use in terms of your car or home heating, both gas and oil have so many daily functions.

Though there is a push for expanding reliance on renewable energy sources, oil and gas are here to stay for the long haul.

For more energy facts, make sure to check out the rest of our page.