The prices of above ground pool will depend on many factors, such as its size, construcION materials. Also, the land you want to install, purification equipment, air conditioning, and even its orientation. However, to get a general idea, we must remember that the average price of above ground pool is around $2693.
Depending on the type of above-ground pool we want for our home. We will have to add other added costs. Such as the construction project and the building license that, together, will be around $2,693 more. If we also want to install an outdoor shower and condition the entire area surrounding the pool area. The budget will exceed $45,583.
Nor can we forget that to enjoy certain types of above-ground pools. You should pay municipal fees, which can reach $2,000. That depends on their characteristics and the Autonomous Community in which they are located and annual maintenance of between $500 and $1000.
However, there are options for almost all pockets, so let’s see which one best suits our needs.
Above ground pool prices for each type of pool
First of all, we must choose what type of pool we want or can afford, from all the market options.
Prices of construction pools
As their name suggests, they require work to be carried out for their installation. They are usually made of concrete, covered with tile, so they are the most durable. However, since you need to delimit the gap, place the glass, install the pipes and purification systems, add accessories such as stairs or trampolines, and the final finish, they require several weeks for their use and enjoyment the most faces.
The price of a construction pool will depend on its dimensions, the quality of its materials and finishes, the cleaning and purification equipment, and the land on which it is located, among other factors.
However, since it is a product that will last us many years. If you can carry out proper maintenance, choose top-quality materials. Make a good study of the land on which you will build it. And decide for dimensions of at least 10m2. Construction pools usually cost around $700per m2.
Prices of prefabricated above ground pool
Prefabricated pools are easier to install than built-in pools. Although they require excavating the hole in which you place them. Make sure that their shape and pipes prepared at the factory.
Therefore, once they are in the hole.All they will need is the placement of the linings, which can be polyester and fiber or steel and liner: the water and electricity connections, respectively, and the installation of purification equipment.
As we mentioned, there also elevate or semi-elevated prefabricated pools. Its use is increasingly common since they do not require excavation. However, an architect does assess the feasibility of the work. Also, calculate the weight of the pool and the weight that the ground can support.
Prefabricated pools cost on average 30% less than construction ones. Its price will depend mainly on its dimensions. And the quality of the materials.Although its average price is between 8,000 and 10,000 dollars, with installation included.
Prices of removable pools
The great advantage of this type of pool is that you can mount it in any space. In this case, it is not necessary to hire an architect to assess its viability. Still, we must inform ourselves whether it is legal to install it. Anywhere we want to and how much weight the structure we want to place it can support.
Removable pools are usually made of PVC, wood, and galvanized steel, although various. They assemble using a kit, including its structure, a water pump, an aspirator, and a filter. The name suggests that they can disassemble if not use or kept year-round if adequately covered and insulated.
Its price varies depending on its dimensions. And the materials used in its construction. Although they usually cost 1,000 and 5,000 dollars.
Inflatable above ground pool prices
The inflatable pools are, in all, the cheapest option by far. In addition, you can place them almost anywhere. And only require a pump to inflate them and some structures to support them. In case it is minimally significant.
Its maintenance is also minimal. It is done with a filter, usually included, which helps keep the water clean. And its price is the best since we can enjoy a quality one for $100.
As we have seen, there are pools for all spaces and pockets. So whatever our budget, we have no excuse not to cool off this summer.
We would all like to have a pool at home. If you are thinking of building a collection in your home, you will be interested in knowing how to do it and how much it costs.
From Cronoshare, we tell you everything you need to know to build a pool at the best price.
With the arrival of good weather, the desire to enjoy the sun while taking a good bath increases. And it is that building a pool at home has many benefits.
For example, it makes it easier to improve family relationships. Also, it helps you exercise with the heat in the summer. And it increases the value of your home if you want to sell it one day.
The construction and prices of a above ground pool
Calculating how much it costs to build a above ground pool is not enough to know the construction price. But you have to consider other expenses.
For example, you have to apply for the corresponding municipal license to start building the pool. Which can have a cost of around $1,000, to which you have to add the cost of the deposit.In the case of needing a rubble container.
However, the pool will measure 6x3m. Regarding depth, its maximum point will be at 1.5m, and the minimum will be at 1m. In total, it will be able to house around 23 m 3 in terms of volume.
Keep in mind that they are approximate figures.And that the cost of a pool will also depend on the elements to be added. For example, if you decide to heat the pool, the final cost will be higher.Although you can always check various heating prices to determine which system is more profitable. In any case, these are already extras that you can decide to include or not.
What are the different types of a swimming pool?
It is possible to distinguish various types of the pool according to their measurements. Here we talk about different types of pools that you can build:
Splash or children’s: These pools have a capacity of less than 30 m 3. These dedicated to children’s activities, and their depth is 60 centimeters maximum.
Private: These pools has the capacity ranges between 50-70 m 3.
Residential: The volume of water revolves around 100 m 3.
Keep in mind that the cubic meters can vary depending on the size of the pool.There may be large children’s pools and smaller private or residential pools.
On the other hand, it is also possible to distinguish between buried pools.Whose basin is dug into the ground and raised pools whose basin is built on the surface.
Both the size, the method of construction. And the materials use can influence the price of construction of a swimming pool. Therefore, it is possible to find quotes for private pools from $9,000 to more than $20,000.
Swimming pool construction process
In this section, we are going to indicate, in broad strokes.There are the steps that carry out to build a swimming pool:
- Excavation, pool armor, and casing.
- Installation of the floor and walls of the chosen materials.
- Cladding installation.
- Finally, the installation of additional equipment (filtration and water treatment) and the superstructures.
FAQ on Above ground pool prices
How to make a pool that is functional and looks fabulous?
It is easier to make a raised pool completely above the patio floor in a not very large patio and with your house already built. The round shape of this model that we show you is ideal for recreation but not too much land in your garden.
If you wonder how to build a pool like this, we tell you that work without digging is cleaner. Since only the construction material of your pool enters your house, which can also be prefabricated, only the site where it is located should be prepared: a floor as a base, the drainage, and the water intake.
How to build a pool along the length of the patio to optimize space?
In this photograph, you can see that a pool has been built along the entire patio length that is between 1.10 and 1.20 meters above the ground; nothing was excavated here. It was only built, taking advantage of the unevenness of the land where the house is located.
It is important to make a wide wall in reinforced concrete to build these types of pools. That with the appropriate internal lining for this use, both on the pool floor and its walls.
How to make a deep pool at home?
If you are interested in having a pool with enough depth and the terrain of your house allows it (due to its dimensions), you have to make a deck high enough to meet the need for depth of the pool.
A wooden deck can be perfect for supporting the pool. Get inspired by this photograph where the wooden structure is resting on the ground. Just do not forget to consider that the floor needs a floor base with its drainage in addition to being level.
By considering materials like these, you can already know how much it costs to make a pool.
How much does it cost to build an elevated pool?
When digging in a patio to build a pool, you should consider how much it costs to make a pool, and for this, you must take into account that:
If you make an elevated pool, its cost decreases because you will only build on the ground level, taking away the expense of excavation.
Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a small machine to that yard to carry out the excavation.