The toughest exam in the world is the Gaokao.Each year in China, this competition is passed by more than nine million teenagers under pressure.Those who have only one goal to obtain the best possible score.To access the most prestigious universities in the country.

Imagine that our entire cities mobilize each year for the baccalaureate test. That the sirens of the ambulances be silent for a few days, and also, they prohibitthe horns. And that the police patrols ensure the tranquility of the streets to ensure the best possible concentration to the candidates. It may sound crazy, disproportionate, impractical, and yet. That is what happens every year in China, at least in June. In this time 9.5 million Chinese students – for the 2016 vintage – are preparing to take the gaokao. This sacrosanct exam will allow them to gain access to the most prestigious universities in the country.

A direct descendant of the imperial competitions of ancient Chinese dynasties.You can consider the gaokao one of the most difficult exams in the world. From an early age, schoolchildren prepare it for a hard daily rhythm. Exercises by the hundreds, revisions, stress. Chinese schoolchildren must have strong shoulders to withstand the pressure of their parents and teachers. It means for them to make the sacrifice of their years of recklessness. Instead, one goal: the competition. The Guardian recounts this daily.

The toughest exam in the world

The first question that you can ask is the following: what do these tests consist of? A priori, nothing abnormal. There are four, spread over two days, and in the form of multiple-choice questions. Chinese, English, math as well as a scientific subject (such as physics-chemistry or biology).Or a more literary subject, such as l history, geography, or political science. Schoolchildren have to spend three hours on each of these tests, and for many of them.The Chinese test remains the most feared because it is the most subjective. Schoolchildren are invited to discuss both practical and philosophical questions which they must demonstrate.

On paper, everything seems normal.But the tests are remarkably difficult and involve intensive preparation. Yuan Qi, an 18-year-old Chinese student at one of Beijing’s top high schools, was questioned by the Guardian to recount his own experience.

Wake up every day at 6.30 am. Yuan Qi usuallyget ready at 7.20 am for half an hour of personal reading.Before starting his first class at 8 am in a class that can have more than 50 students. Then a succession of materials, which interposed only a few minutes, not of pure relaxation, but exercise. For example, it is not uncommon for children to do ophthalmology exercises to preserve their eyes tired from these work hours. And when the bell rings at 4 pm, it is not to announce the time of leisure and afternoon tea. Three or four hours of work follow, devoted to homework and any private lessons the students must follow.

But even with the most conscientious work in the world.There is no guarantee that students will achieve their goals. Depending on the number of points – out of a total of 750 – they may admit to the best universities in the country.That will have consequences on their professional career.And the people they meet and therefore on their future personal relationships.

Why Gaokao is the toughest exam in the world?

China is undoubtedly one of the most amazing countries in the world. Its technological advances and its capacity for development have given it the ability not to depend on foreign investment. Or to divest itself of American platforms to operate its cell phones and digital devices.

But, this Asian country also has such a strict educational system that a bad choice could ruin your life. Believe it or not, Japan, South Korea, and China are very competitive nations when it comes to studies:

  • There are elite universities that practically solve your life.
  • Study hours are a priority regardless of other activities.
  • Free time is, perhaps, one of the things that do not exist if you want to be successful.

And precisely in this area, this week is one of the most important moments for millions of young Chinese. The teenager who are risking their future. In June of each year, the gaokaoheld on time, but this 2020 it was a month late and is being held on July 7 and 8.

Although it might seem like anything. The reality is that adolescents prepare for years for thisexam and study.On average, they study 12 hours in a day without resting. The pressure is on them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Because, for some, this exam represents the only alternative to get higher up the social ladder.

Before the exam                                                          

The students so committed to themselves that days before presenting the gaokao.They meet to give each other “encouragement” through hymns.And chants in which they assure themselves that they will achieve pass in the goakao.

Hundreds and hundreds of young people populate the streets to pursue the same dream. Days later, it will verify if you have what it takes to face the greatest test of your life.

On the day of the Exam

On the “day of truth,” the parents of all the applicants comes with their children to wish their best of luck. They wish with all their hearts that the test is a success.

For their part, the authorities will do allprobable to avoidcon.And implement surveillance cameras, and other measures. The fairness of the process is so important that, any fraud would lead those involved to face jail.

When “zero hour” arrives, all is silent; nothing should distract the students. All of China revolves around gaokao.

The gaokao is perhaps a common test in terms of content. But what makes it “the hardest in the world” is the degree of stress. And pressure involved in getting a better place than any of your classmates.

You do not see your teammates as friends. But as competitors who could steal the precious trophy of obtaining an exceptional place in the gaokao. The pressure will start from the preschool years.

Theopportunity to climb

There may be “a lot of dirty things” in China, but the gaokao is seen as a transparent and fair test.

“The gaokao has the function of showing that in China there is meritocracy,” says Jiang, “as long as people believe that the gaokao is fair, people are willing to obey the system.”

And it is that, for Chinese society, this test is the only thing that allows them to look up when everything seems impossible.

Cheating, the sophisticated scourge of the exam

Admired for its difficulty and the high level of knowledge it implies, the gaokao exam is also strongly criticized. With so much at stake, cheating becomes tempting and almost systematic for many families obsessed with their child’s success. In this regard, the government must prepare for rather creative cheat sheets: spy cameras, headsets, and radios have often been found in candidates’ personal belongings. And in improper places: in their jewelry, their pens, and even in their underwear. Enough to force examination centers to equip themselves with all kinds of anti-fraud devices, such as metal detectors or even drones that fly over examination centers to detect any unwanted radio emissions.

With a sanction that can go up to seven years of imprisonment, the candidates are strongly advised to think carefully before attempting any fraud. A good reason for more and more students to study abroad is to benefit from equally good degrees in the best universities in the world and still have time to savor their youth.


FAQ on toughest exam in the world

What is the most important Exam in the world?

Of the ten million students he took in Exam in 2009, only half the feet in college in September put. Gaokao is known in the insurance as “the battle to determine your future” surely the, and it is the greatest test in the world and where more than millions of people decide life.

What is the STIC exam?

The Examiner SAT: Guide for International Students. The SAT pronouns and refers to a prior claim that constituents have an indispensable requirement for advancing advanced programs in the United States. … Includes 44 multiple choice questions and ten questions to be answered by the students.

How much do they study in China?

The youngest Chinese students have more than 10 hours each day.

The clauses usually last from eight in the morning until three or four in the afternoon, after which the children go home and do endless homework until nine or ten at night.

Are you looking for secrets in China?

Time spent in each stage varies in time: from you to five or six years in primary education, three or four in middle secondary education, and three years in upper secondary education. Compulsory education of nine One At years is presented in China, which covers primary and secondary education.

How many classes are in Korea in South 2021?

The new school in mediums of speculation and precautionary mediation that the pandemic continent has more than one. Preparations begin for female officials. Some classes, on February 25, 2021, in a classroom of a school in Seoul.

Conclusion on toughest exam in the world

10.7 million young Chinese people have the most difficult test of their life. For some, it is the only chance they have to move up in the social stratum.The gaokao is so important in Chinese society that from the moment a boy or a girl is born, their parents will already think about how they can achieve maximum performance in this test.


By Benedict

Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.