what time does it get dark
what time does it get dark

What Time Does it Get Dark? | How soon after sunset does it get dark? Find out what time it gets dark in your location with this comprehensive guide. Learn about the factors that influence the time the sun sets, including the time of year, location, and weather. Get tips on how to find out the exact sunset time for your location, whether you are planning outdoor activities or simply curious about the sunset.


What time does it get Dark Refers to the time at which the sun sets and the sky becomes fully or partially dark? This time can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the time of year, your location, and the weather. 

In this article, we will delve into these factors and discuss how they impact the time it gets dark. We will also provide tips on how to find out what time it gets dark in your specific location, whether you are planning outdoor activities or simply curious about the sunset. 

What Time Does it Get Dark?

As a result of several factors, the time it gets dark, or sunset, varies from day to day. One of the most important factors is the time of year. The Earth tilts towards the sun in the summer, resulting in longer days and later sunsets. Due to the Earth’s tilt away from the sun in the winter, the days are shorter and the sun sets earlier.

  1. Location

A person’s location is also important in determining when it gets dark. For instance, a person who is closer to the equator will have a more consistent length of daylight throughout the year. However, a person who is further from the equator will have a greater difference in daylight.

  1. Weather

It is also possible to influence when it gets dark due to the weather. The sky may appear darker earlier on cloudy or overcast days because the clouds block the sun’s rays. Likewise, if there is a lot of pollution in the air, it can also affect the time it gets dark by causing the sky to appear hazy.

  1. Time 

Many websites and apps provide sunset times, such as TimeandDate.com or The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Simply enter your location and the desired date, and the site will provide the exact time at which the sun will set at your specific location.

  1. Daylight

The time it gets dark can also be influenced by daylight saving time, which is the practice of setting the clock an hour ahead during the summer months to extend the amount of daylight in the evenings. Due to the effect of daylight saving time, it may be later in the summer when it becomes dark.

Final word 

By using a website or app that provides sunset times, you can determine when it becomes light in your specific location based on a variety of factors such as the time of year, location, and weather.

In the winter, why is it darker?

During the winter months, the days become shorter and the sun sets earlier, causing the sky to appear darker. The reasons for this have all to do with our planet’s position with the sun.


  • A line connecting the North Pole and the South Pole is known as the Earth’s axis. 

The reason it is darker in winter is that the Earth is tilted about its orbit around the sun. In the winter, the North Pole has tilted away from the sun, resulting in shorter days and earlier sunsets. In the summer, the North Pole tilts towards the sun, resulting in longer days and later sunsets.

  • In the winter, it is also darker because the sun appears lower in the sky during the day. As a result of the tilt of the Earth, the position of the sun in the sky is affected, so during the winter, the sun appears lower in the sky. As a result, the sun’s rays can be less direct, resulting in softer, dimmer light.

In the winter, the sun appears lower in the sky due to the Earth’s tilt away from the sun. As a result, there are fewer days and earlier sunsets.

After sunset, how long does it take for it to become dark?

The time it takes for the sky to become dark after sunset can vary depending on the location, the time of year, and the weather conditions. In general, it takes about 70-100 minutes for the sky to become completely dark after sunset. 

Nevertheless, in areas with extended twilight periods, the darkness may not be complete until 90 minutes or more after sunset in some cases. Several factors, including cloud cover, atmospheric conditions, and the presence of artificial light sources, can influence how long it takes for the environment to become dark after sunset.


  1. How soon after sunset does it get dark?

70 to 100 minutes

A recap of how long it takes for darkness to descend after sunset

In summary, after sunset, true darkness begins in the 48 contiguous states between 70 and 100 minutes. The farther north you are, the longer it takes for true darkness to set in.

  1. What time will it be the darkest?

Midnight signifies the sun’s lowest point below the horizon, which corresponds to the darkest part of the sky.

  1. Is it completely dark at sunset?

When the sun reaches 18 degrees below the celestial horizon, it is considered to be “dark”. This takes just over an hour at the equator during March, but it takes twice as long if you are at latitude 60 degrees.

  1. Why is there still light after sunset?

We can simply state that even when the sun has disappeared below the horizon, it is still emitting light. This light is still traveling towards the earth, where it is received by our eyes. We see light after sunset as a result of this traveling light.


I hope this blog has helped provide you with information about the time that it becomes dark based on several factors such as location, time of year, and weather conditions.


By Asad