Scholarships are a way to help international students finance their studies in Canada. The scholarshipslab constitute non-refundable financial assistance. They are usually awarded to students with an excellent academic record, although some also reward work experience and volunteerism.

Some scholarships require an application, but others are awarded automatically.

Scholarships for international students wishing to study in Canada are few in number, subject to stiff competition, and mostly offered at the graduate level. Here are some tips and information to help you identify the scholarships you may be eligible for.

Search first in your home country

First, check if there are scholarships and funding opportunities available in your home country. Contact your country’s Ministry of Education to determine if you are eligible for certain scholarships.

Communicate with the host university

Contact the financial aid office of the university where you wish to study for information on scholarships for international students, as well as guidelines.

Woman in Yellow Shirt Writing on White Paper

Explore other possibilities

Learn about scholarships administered by the Government of Canada, provincial governments, private foundations, and non-profit organizations.

Here are some resources to help you.

Government of Canada international scholarship programs

Global Affairs Canada is responsible for government participation in major international scholarship programs. This website helps to find scholarships offered by country of origin.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Available to Canadian and foreign doctoral students studying at Canadian universities, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships are valued at $ 50,000 per year for three years.

Souvenirs and scholarships from the Quebec research fund

The government of Quebec offers grants and scholarships for doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships and short research or professional development stays within the framework of three components of the Quebec Research Fund (FRQ): Nature et technologies (FRQNT), Health (FRQS), and Society and Culture (FRQSC).

FQRNT excellence scholarships

These are doctoral, postdoctoral internship, and short-stay research or development grants for foreign students. These grants are administered by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT)  and are reserved for students and researchers wishing to start or continue research activities in Quebec.

Government of Canada scholarships

It is also possible to apply for scholarships offered by the federal government.

Foreign countries scholarships 

Some countries grant scholarships to their nationals who wish to study in Canada. To find out about the existence of these scholarships, consult the websites of the consulates and embassies of your country in Canada.

Grants from international organizations

Many international organizations, such as the Agence University of francophonie (AUF), offer scholarships to foreign students. It is impossible to list them all: consult the sites of Quebec universities that offer search engines to find out what scholarships are available to you according to your field of study.