Corona Virus

The insurance industry is moving into the future at light speed. Success hinges upon being able to adapt.

Insurance carriers around the country are finding that if they are not able to adjust to the new way of conducting business they will crash and burn. Insurance companies have had to be on their toes. Changing with the needs of the consumers, as well as looking ahead and planning for the future.

Consumers today are demanding more online options. Not just because of covid-19 either. The pandemic has obviously made an impact on every segment of the industry. Granwal from Statista states that “the expected losses for insurance companies due to the pandemic are projected to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.” Along with the losses the agents are having to adjust policy coverages to allow for changes.

Covid-19 Beginnings Cause Changes in Insurance Demands

Via: Insurance Business America

Covid-19 hit the world in a storm, causing permanent changes to the insurance industry.

The general markets are the hardest hit because people have been staying home. The need for automotive insurance plans dropped significantly due to the lockdowns and “emergency travel only” protocol’s that were put in place. There is no need for car insurance while vehicles sit in the garage.

As the orders are lifted and people get back out on the streets auto insurance demands will surge to an all time high. Insurance agents need to be ready to accommodate the bombardment of policy requests. The shift to online servers and automated platforms will help them keep up.

Only the carriers that have moved towards online business transactions will be able to take advantage of the market. The others may struggle to the point of losing the chance to meet the needs of consumers.

On the other hand, though, the need for life insurance policies shot through the roof. As the world’s covid related deaths continued to rise panic-stricken consumers rushed to increase their policy amounts. The people that did not have coverage decided to do so.

With the death rates of covid being so high life insurance has become more of a necessity, rather than a luxury. As the world fights to control the pandemic, life insurance demands will continue to grow. 

Life policies have needed to change to include coverage for covid-19, and all the variants. Even after things start to settle down, the idea of catching a virus and perishing so quickly will keep consumers wanting more. 

Surprising, health insurance policies have also decreased. The ability to work remotely has shifted the need for more than the basic health coverage amounts offered by the Medicare programs. 

The yearly tax is already being paid for this coverage through taxes. As with auto insurance, the need for more health coverage is less because staying home reduces risks.

Health Insurance changes have headed in the direction of less need for covering office visits because people are scared to go into public settings. Even more so when it comes to buildings that have a constant supply of sick people in and out. 

Some doctors have switched to online visits, which works for basic issues. More serious problems are getting harder to get taken care of because of the screening processes at the hospitals now. 

Another effect that society has seen in insurance is the way that business coverages change. With fewer employees on site companies will be able to lower their coverage needs. Especially those that have shifted completely over to online business.

Employees that do work for them can be hired on as independent contractors. This means that the employee will have to have their own insurance coverage and will have to sign a contract stating that the company is not responsible for any coverage. This would include workers compensation requirements that eat into the profits of a company in vast amounts.

Back to Normal for the Insurance Industry

Once covid is not as huge of an issue, doctor visits will slowly shift back to normal. At least as close to normal as can be expected after dealing with covid-19 for such a long time.

A surge of general insurance demands will occur as well. Society will once again start leaning towards policies that protect them while out in the public. As more variants show their ugly heads, policies will be adjusted to allow coverage for them.

 Auto insurance, before the virus hit hard, was on the rise. More drivers were hitting the roads, demanding more insurance, and causing more claims due to the increase in accidents. Companies that compare auto insurance policies will lead the way for the industry to reach new heights.

The lifting of restrictions and opening of the borders will once again cause an increase in drivers upon the roads. An increase in drivers means an increase in auto insurance will be needed. Customers that lowered their coverage to the basic type will increase them back up to full coverage.

Health insurance demands have started to increase recently, as the lockdowns are removed, and society is moving around again. The public knows that if they do get covid they will be looking at some serious medical bills. 

The longer that the hospital visit is, the bigger the bills will be. Once released to go home other bills will add up because of the constant checkups. Not to mention the other issues that are long-term effects from battling with covid-19.

Companies will continue to employee more freelance workers, and offshore development teams. This will allow owners to continue using decreased amounts of insurance coverage for employees. Bare minimum coverage will be kept in place, with more insurance needs shifting to the actual business, rather than employees. 

Some full-time employees will return to on-site work, requiring some type of coverage. The main work force will be required to continue working as independent contractors, and as such will be required to carry their own insurance.

Into the Future for the Insurance Industry

Insurance Industry

Via: International Monetary Fund

Even after covid-19 and all its variants the insurance industry will continue to thrive by using online platforms. 


The future of the insurance industry was forged into movement back when covid-19 first struck the world. Online platforms sprang up all over the globe. Insurance agents have been replaced with automated systems that run off new technology, such as Block Chain and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Technological advances have shaped the way consumers want service. Businesses will need to continue shifting towards online platforms. The more automated that the platforms are, the better the profits will be for them.

Consumers will demand more flexibility with options, such as filing claims and upgrading their policies. Insurance industry professionals will need to stay ahead of the demand and move into the virtual world to have an impact. Insurance agents may become a thing of the past.

Online access will mean that the agents can be skipped. The consumer will be able to deal directly with the insurance carriers. In theory this should help lower the cost of premiums for the companies that go all out with their online services.

The debate rages on about the future need of insurance agents and local office locations. For now, it will be left as it is and agents will continue to be in the middle of transactions. The future will run its course and may bulldoze over agents that have not shifted their businesses to online platforms to collaborate with the carriers, instead of working for them.

The shift to digital and virtual business practices will continue to be a leading factor in how companies meet the needs of their customers. The world has plunged itself into the future, and with a solid push from covid, will reach for the stars.