Bulk email verification is one of the most important tools for any company that wants to send emails in bulk to promote their business or campaign of any kind through emails. There is much bulk verification software available online where one can upload the list of email addresses that are targeted to receive his/her email. This bulk email verification software validates whether the given emails on the list are deliverable or not. This helps in fast and easy delivery of emails to valid email addresses. One of the best software that provides 99.9% accurate email validation is email list validation service. They help you deliver your email to the right inbox every time.

Let’s first discuss how this bulk email verification software works:

The validity of any email address can be measured through several verified techniques and these are dependent on the internal database through titled algorithms. Upon uploading the list of email addresses you need to verify, the software performs several steps and then provides you with a filtered, clean, and deliverable email list. This list can be used for your marketing and business requirements.

The steps involved in the email validation process are described below:

  • Syntax check: First the email address syntax is checked according to the IETF standards. This step removes the improperly formatted email addresses.
  • Domain/MX Records check: in this step, the DNS entries of an email address are verified. It checks out those domains which are invalid or if an MX entry is missing. Such email addresses are deemed invalid by the processer.
  • Role-Based Account Detection: this process is very important as it detects and flags out such addresses which can negatively impact your deliverability.  Sending emails to role-based emails such as sales@, admin@, info@, etc. have the potential to blacklist you with some ISPs.
  • DEA detection: DEA detection stands for Disposable Email Address detection. Disposable email addresses or junk email addresses are usually made to signup forms or to bypass login forms that require a valid email address. Such junk email addresses are detected and processed by the processor and are checked out of the list in a very precise manner.
  • Spam Trap Detection or Honeypot: in this step, the spam seeds, BOTs, blacklisted emails, honeypots, bogus email addresses are detected. Such unwanted email addresses are checked out from the email address list as these addresses and domains are used for trapping spammers.
  • Checking DNS based blackholes  (DNSBLs) and URI DNSBLs for blacklisting: a list of IP addresses that are often used for spamming is DNS Based blackhole list or Real-Time blackhole list. In this step, the email addresses and IP addresses are checked against known DNSBLs and URI DNSBLs to spam networks.A URI DNSBL is a DNSBL that lists domain names which have been found in the body of spam email messages but generally, have not been found inside legitimate messages.
  • Final verification: this is the final step of the process. In this step, deep level extended SMTP verifications are performed on each email address on the list. These email addresses are then pinged for deliverable inbox existence without actually sending an email.

Although this process seems very long and complicated, bulk email verification software such as email list validation service can verify and validate your emails with up to 90% accuracy. This helps you and your team to focus on other important matters while we verify your emails in bulk. With emaillistvalidation, you can prospect at scale and generate leads quickly. This helps your business to reach out with confidence.